Scoop of Azriel: On the run with Azriel Clary

From the moment we first saw Azriel Clary appear via social media, she made her position with R Kelly clear. All of a sudden her attitude dramatically changed. Some say she is acting out because of her jealousy of Joycelyn, others feel she was against Kelly from the beginning.

The Clarys groomed their daughter to be a "star"... Did that mean sacrificing her youth, and putting her in situations most adults couldn't handle would the right move? How can you get mad because your daughter decides on a different path then distort the truth to make a man stand accused of the worst for your own personal satisfaction? According to the story they gave their 17 yr old daughter permission to travel with an artist with their proof being a handwritten note attached to a notebook signed over to someone else. How does that prove Azriel was actually with R Kelly and not the person listed on the "permission slip"?

According to this so called letter, a woman by the name of Valerie Payton was supposed to be supervising Azriel, yet where is she now?

At this point, nothing Azriel Clary can say will change the fact that she will not be a credible witness.

The things posted by Azriel before meeting R Kelly speak volumes...

How true can your story be when you must create photo shop images to make your point?

The more she tries to promote her little story the more she shows us the real truth. They try to manipulate the truth by intentionally driving the 17 year old narrative and show u youthful looking images...

In reality she has always been on a mission...