The revolution with propaganda

How many more hashtags must we create before we demand real changes?

Propaganda is consistently being used to incite the public all fueling the same agenda. Black lives matter, the me too agenda all have the same target. The "African American" community.

Is it a coincidence the same person funding the black lives matter campaign has also been a key sponsor to Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx, who was so compelled to seek criminal charges against R Kelly after watching a biased tv show.

All distractions!!

Ask yourself a question. How can it be legal for an attorney to share alleged child porn to a news broadcasting network before handing it in as evidence, and not be charged for said illegal act. Who can rely on evidence submitted by a convicted extortionist??

Like many men, R Kelly had a sex tape; however, the women involved were consenting adults. Stop being fooled by the agents of chaos who weren't even credible witnesses in his first trial and those who blatantly refused to testify, while writing so many slanderous articles about it.